Yellowhammer |
few weeks ago, we went up Challow Hill to see if we could find a Yellowhammer. The further we went up, the more common they
were. It took a while to get close
enough to this one to get a good photograph. Yellowhammers are a beautiful bird to
Linnet |
About a week ago, we went to Portland to see what was
around the island. When we were walking
down to the Bill, we saw a Linnet on a bramble swaying around in the wind. When the bramble eventually stayed still I managed
to get a picture.
Dartford Warbler |
Recently, we went out on Middlebere Heath to see if we
could get a picture of a Dartford Warbler. We didn't see one for a while but
eventually we saw one perch up and then dip back down into the gorse. We waited for it to come back up and soon
enough it did. Bit of a scruffy tail but
the bird perched up nicely.
Pheasant |
A few days ago, we went to Swyre Head to see if we could
get a photo of a Pheasant. It wasn't
looking good at first because we couldn't actually see any for a while. Right at the end of the walk, there was one
sat on its own in a field. I managed to
get close enough to get this headshot of the bird. You can see the lovely markings on its chest
and head.