Northern Wheatear |
Quite a long time ago, we went to Swanage where a Wheatear was peskily flying around a bench making it difficult to photograph but when there was finally an opening, I managed to get an off-centred shot. Well worth the wait though.
Rosy and Common Starlings |
More recently we went to Portland to chase a Rosy Starling around a housing estate. The weather was not great with grey skies and cold temperatures; the chances of getting a decent photo seemed slim. We had been looking for a while now and eventually spotted the Starling on a nearby chimney so we walked closer but those photos were not very good. After a long time, we cracked and decided to go. We drove down a lane to turn round and typically, the Rosy Starling had moved into a perfect photo position alongside a Common Starling.
Brent Goose |
We went to Studland in search of Brent Geese and we weren't let down. Swimming just off the shore, it seemed they wanted their own picture. Unfortunately, the sun let us down, refusing to come out behind overcast skies. But when eventually it poked out to say hello it still wasn't that bright due to the trees higher on the cliff, creating shadows that covered the black feathers of the Brents. With poor light it was going to be a difficult shot.
Jay |
On the way back, a stop was required as a Jay was in a nearby tree. This Jay was very active as it was collecting food so was I panicking a bit. The bird kept ducking behind trees and flying away. After a while it came up on a branch and perched. I am really disappointed that I chopped the tail off but thought I'd show you anyway.