Saturday, 23 August 2014

Portland Bird Observatory - 18th to 21st August 2014

Portland Bird Observatory
We went to the Portland Bird Observatory for a three night stay and it didn't disappoint. From Willow Warblers to Blackcaps, it was a great trip. Don't forget rainbows too!

The Obs in its glory!
As soon as I saw the rain, the first thing that came into my head was to get the Obs and the rainbow together. And that's what I did.

Juvenile Willow Warbler
I was allowed to go on some ringing trips in the garden and this was one of the juvenile Willow Warblers that was ringed. Thank you to the ringers for making this possible.

Guess why this is called a Blackcap! This was one of the many wonderful birds ringed at the Obs. There are more blogs coming soon on our trip to Portland so stay tuned...........


  1. Great pictures Joe, from Jack and Josh

  2. Thank you Jack and Josh, good to meet you!

    1. Hi Joe, we found some Elephant hawk moth caterpillars yesterday and we've got them in a tank full of willow herb, bog bean and Dead leaves for them to pupate.
